
Hey there, coffee enthusiasts! I’m Awais Zafar, the caffeinated mind behind Coffee Blog. As a passionate coffee lover and a leather technologist by trade, I’ve discovered that the world of coffee and the intricacies of leather share a common thread—craftsmanship, attention to detail, and a deep appreciation for the finer things in life.

When I’m not busy as a Technical Director at Eastern Leather Company, you’ll find me lost in the aromatic realms of coffee. From the moment the beans are ground to that first invigorating sip, I’m captivated by the art, science, and culture that encompass the world of coffee.

Through Coffee Blog, I’m thrilled to share my knowledge, experiences, and discoveries with fellow coffee aficionados like you. Whether it’s exploring different brewing methods, unearthing the hidden treasures of exotic coffee beans, or connecting with the vibrant community of coffee lovers, I’m dedicated to creating an engaging space where we can all celebrate our shared passion.

Join me as we embark on a journey to unlock the mysteries behind exceptional coffee. From the depths of its origins to the artistry of brewing, together, we’ll delve into the heart of coffee and unravel its secrets. Through informative articles, captivating stories, and helpful tips, I aim to ignite your curiosity, inspire your taste buds, and enhance your coffee rituals.

So, grab your favorite mug, take a seat, and let’s explore the endless possibilities and joys that coffee brings. Welcome to Coffee Blog, where we embrace the journey, one cup at a time.


Awais Zafar

Coffee Blog

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