How Black Coffee on Empty Stomach Can Affect Your Health

How Black Coffee on Empty Stomach Can Affect Your Health

If you’re among the millions of coffee aficionados who find it impossible to kick-start their day without a steaming cup of black coffee, the thought of how this ritual affects your health might have crossed your mind. Especially if you consume your black coffee on empty stomach. Here, we’re going to deep dive into the science and unravel the impacts on your body and overall health.

Health Effects of Black Coffee on Empty Stomach

Clear glass mug filled with brown liquid

Coffee, a magical brew for many, is undeniably a brilliant way to start your day, shaking off the drowsiness and revving you up for the day’s challenges. However, drinking black coffee on an empty stomach can lead to several significant health effects.

1. Acid Reflux

One of the most common health effects of drinking black coffee on an empty stomach is acid reflux or heartburn. Coffee is known to stimulate the secretion of stomach acid. When your stomach is empty, this acid has nothing to work on except the stomach lining, leading to acid reflux. Research indicates that this effect is more pronounced in individuals with a history of gastrointestinal issues.

2. Altered Digestion

Coffee is a known stimulant that can increase the production of acid in your stomach. This increased acid secretion can potentially lead to an upset stomach and indigestion, particularly if consumed without any food. This disruption to your digestion system might turn your joyous coffee ritual into an uncomfortable experience. Learn more about the Best Time to Drink Coffee? here.

Pros and Cons of black coffee on empty stomach

Like every coin has two sides, the practice of drinking black coffee on an empty stomach comes with its own set of pros and cons.


Coffee is revered for being a rich source of antioxidants that are beneficial for your health. Its ability to enhance cognitive functions is widely recognized. Black coffee can also boost your metabolic rate, playing a substantial role in weight loss by burning more calories. Moreover, it aids in cleansing your stomach, helping maintain your overall digestive health. Dive deeper into the weight loss benefits of coffee here.


On the other side of the spectrum, black coffee can stimulate the release of cortisol, the stress hormone. This cortisol release can cause your body to produce insulin, leading to weight gain, a complete opposite effect of what many coffee drinkers desire. Additionally, an excessive amount of black coffee can cause a significant decrease in the production of serotonin in our brain, leading to mood swings and general unhappiness.

The Scientific Connection Behind Drinking Black Coffee

Numerous studies have delved into the science behind drinking black coffee on an empty stomach. One notable piece of research found that the consumption of coffee stimulates the production of stomach acid. This can be beneficial for digestion when food is present. However, without food, this can lead to gastric ulcers and other digestive problems. It’s also worth noting that excessive coffee consumption can lead to dehydration, as coffee is a diuretic.

Alternative Options to Black Coffee

So, what if you’re dealing with these coffee-induced health issues but can’t let go of your morning coffee routine? Consider some alternatives. You could drink bulletproof coffee, a unique blend of coffee, butter, and coconut oil. The fats in this mix slow down the absorption of caffeine, providing you with sustained energy and reducing the acidity that could upset your stomach.

Coffee brands such as Amazon Coffee Brand and Death Wish Coffee offer exquisite blends that are less acidic and hence, might be more suitable for consumption on an empty stomach. Another option could be switching to cold brew coffee, as it’s typically less acidic than hot coffee and could be easier on your stomach.

Pro Tips For Coffee Drinkers

Even if you can’t give up drinking black coffee on empty stomach, here are a few tips that can help minimize potential negative effects:

  1. Lower Your Coffee Dosage: Moderation is key. Try reducing the quantity of coffee you consume. Instead of two cups, have one. You might notice a significant reduction in your acid reflux or heartburn symptoms.
  2. Choose a Dark Roast: Dark roast coffees generally contain less caffeine and are less acidic than light roasts. They could potentially cause fewer problems when consumed on an empty stomach.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Since coffee can have a diuretic effect, it’s essential to keep your body hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially after you’ve had your coffee.
  4. Eat a Small Snack: If you’re not ready for a full breakfast yet, consider eating a small snack along with your coffee. This can help neutralize some of the acid.


In conclusion, while the habit of consuming black coffee on empty stomach is a beloved morning ritual for many, it’s crucial to understand its impacts on your health. As we’ve seen, it can lead to several health issues, including acid reflux and altered digestion. But with moderation, the right choice of coffee, and following the tips shared, you can continue to enjoy your black coffee without sacrificing your health. Remember, every individual is different, so it’s essential to listen to your body and adjust your habits accordingly. If you’re dealing with any severe health issues due to this practice, consider seeking advice from a health professional. After all, health should always be our top priority.

Relish your brew and stay healthy!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. Is it good to have black coffee first thing in the morning?

It depends on your health condition and tolerance. While it can jumpstart your morning, it might cause acid reflux or stomach discomfort for some people, especially when taken on an empty stomach. Always listen to your body.

2. What are the benefits of black coffee on an empty stomach?

Drinking black coffee on an empty stomach can kickstart your metabolism, aid in weight loss, and provide a powerful dose of antioxidants. However, it can also cause stomach discomfort for some people.

3. What is the best time to drink black coffee for weight loss?

Drinking black coffee 30 minutes before your workout is often suggested to promote fat burning.

4. Does black coffee improve skin?

Yes, the antioxidants in black coffee can fight skin aging, reduce inflammation, and potentially reduce the risk of skin diseases.

5. What is the correct time to drink black coffee?

The optimal time can vary based on individual preferences and schedules. However, it’s generally recommended to avoid coffee first thing in the morning and close to bedtime.

6. Does black coffee burn fat?

Yes, black coffee can boost your metabolism and help your body to burn fat more efficiently. But, it should not replace a healthy diet and exercise.

7. Is NESCAFÉ black coffee good for health?

NESCAFÉ black coffee, like any other black coffee, has potential health benefits like improving cognitive functions and providing antioxidants. However, individual responses can vary.

8. Does black coffee increase testosterone?

Some studies suggest that coffee could potentially boost testosterone levels. However, more research is needed to confirm this.

9. What are the disadvantages of drinking coffee on an empty stomach?

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can cause acid reflux, heartburn, and potentially disrupt your digestion.

10. What are the side effects of black coffee?

Side effects can include jitteriness, sleep disruption, increased heart rate, stomach discomfort, and in some cases, an increase in blood pressure. However, these side effects usually occur with high consumption. Moderation is key.