Cappuccino vs Macchiato: What’s the Difference?

When you think of coffee, Italy inevitably springs to mind. The Italians, after all, are the masterminds behind some of our most cherished coffee drinks. Today, let’s unravel two such delights: the frothy Cappuccino and the bold Macchiato. Sit back, grab your favorite mug, and embark on this caffeine-infused journey with us.


Every corner of the world boasts its own coffee tales, but few are as rich or as flavorful as those from Italy. Whether it’s a bustling café in Milan or a rustic coffee house tucked in the Tuscan countryside, the debate between Cappuccino vs Macchiato rages on. These two beverages, while distinct, share a robust espresso base. The devil, as they say, is in the details – or in this case, the milk!

Comparison Cappuccino Macchiato
Origin Italy Italy
Primary Components Espresso, steamed milk, and foam Espresso, a splash or mark of milk
Milk to Espresso Ratio 1:1:1 (Typically one-third each of espresso, steamed milk, and foam) Mostly espresso with just a dot or stain of milk
Serving Size Typically 6 oz Typically 1-2 oz
Texture Creamy with dense foam on top Strong, with a hint of milkiness
Flavor Mild coffee flavor balanced with milk Strong coffee flavor with a hint of milk
Caffeine Content Varies, but roughly equivalent to one shot of espresso Varies, often the same as a single or double shot of espresso
Appearance Layered: dark at the bottom, lighter as it goes up due to milk, topped with foam Dark coffee with a small white spot or foam on top
Common Variations Wet, Dry, Flavored, Iced Espresso, Latte, Dry, Wet, Flavored, Double

History and Origins


Delve into the pages of Italian history and the term ‘Capuchin’ emerges. It’s not just a term, but a group of friars renowned for their brown robes. Interestingly, the word ‘Cappuccino’ is believed to draw inspiration from these very robes, mirroring the hue of this iconic coffee. A 17th-century favorite, the cappuccino has charmed its way across oceans, winning hearts with its velvety texture. Avid coffee enthusiasts can unearth more about this classic drink’s roots in this insightful article dedicated to cappuccino beans.


The term ‘Macchiato’ directly translates to ‘stained’ in Italian. Picture a strong shot of espresso, marked or stained with a dollop of frothy milk – that’s your classic Macchiato. It’s a beverage that retains the potency of an espresso but adds a touch of creaminess. Over decades, the Macchiato has morphed into myriad versions, with the caramel variant being a global hit. Coffee aficionados can get a step-by-step tutorial on creating this bold beverage right here.

Basic Definitions Cappuccino vs Macchiato

What is a Cappuccino?


Imagine a symphony of flavors: a potent espresso base, a layer of silky steamed milk, crowned with a cloud of frothy milk. That’s a cappuccino for you. Each element plays a crucial role. The espresso provides the robust flavor, the steamed milk offers a velvety contrast, and the froth adds a light, airy touch. It’s a drink that’s both comforting and invigorating. For those keen on mastering this layered wonder, this cappuccino masterclass offers valuable insights.

What is a Macchiato?


Simplicity can be profoundly impactful, and the Macchiato stands testimony to this. Predominantly espresso, with just a splash of milk, this drink is not for the faint-hearted. It boasts a powerful coffee punch, softened slightly by the milk. Over time, coffee enthusiasts and baristas have experimented with the Macchiato, introducing flavored syrups and varying milk ratios, but its essence remains unchanged – bold and unapologetic.

Brewing Techniques Cappuccino vs Macchiato

Crafting the Perfect Cappuccino:

  • Espresso Base: The foundation of a cappuccino is a strong shot of espresso. Using a quality espresso machine (Buy on Amazon), extract a single or double shot as per your preference.
  • Steaming the Milk: The key to a silky cappuccino lies in its steamed milk. Ensure the milk is steamed to around 150°F (65°C). The consistency should be creamy, not bubbly.
  • Frothing: This is where the magic happens. Using a milk frother (Buy on Amazon), aerate the milk until you achieve a dense, creamy froth. This froth serves as the top layer.
  • Layering: Pour the espresso into a cup, followed by the steamed milk, ensuring to hold back the froth with a spoon. Top off with a dollop of froth.

Brewing a Classic Macchiato:

Macchiato, an Italian word meaning ‘stained’ or ‘spotted’, is a coffee drink where a shot of espresso is ‘stained’ with a dash of milk. Want to brew this classic at home? Here’s your roadmap:

  1. Warm Your Cup: Begin by warming your espresso cup. Simply let hot water run through it. This ensures your coffee remains hot for longer.
  2. Get Grinding: Choose your favorite coffee beans, grind them finely, and make sure they’re evenly distributed in the portafilter. This will guarantee a smooth and robust espresso shot.
  3. Espresso Time: Using your espresso machine, pull either a single or double shot, as per your preference.
  4. Milk Matters: Now, take a small quantity of milk and steam it. Aim for a temperature of approximately 105°F. This makes the milk slightly frothy but not too much, which is ideal for a macchiato.
  5. The Final Pour: Here comes the artistry. Gently pour the steamed milk over your espresso shot. You should aim for a beautiful layer of foam to rest on top, embodying the essence of a macchiato.
  6. Delight in Your Drink: Your homemade classic macchiato is ready! Serve it in a small espresso cup and savor each sip.

Pro tip: For an authentic experience, use beans recommended by experts. Dive into the world of espresso beans with this handy guide.

Popular Variations Cappuccino vs Macchiato

Coffee is an art, and the cappuccino and macchiato are its classic canvases, ever-evolving and open to interpretation.

Cappuccino Variations:

Cappuccino is a favorite coffee for many, and it comes in different styles to match what you love most. Let’s look at some popular ways people enjoy their cappuccino:

  • Dry Cappuccino: This has less milk and more foam. You get a strong coffee taste with a big layer of froth on top.
  • Wet Cappuccino: This one is creamier with more milk. It’s softer on the coffee flavor, making it a gentle sip.
  • Flavored Cappuccino: Some people love a hint of flavor. By adding syrups like vanilla, caramel, or hazelnut, you get a tasty twist to your coffee.
  • Bone Dry Cappuccino: All about the strong coffee taste! It’s just espresso with foam and no milk at all.
  • Iced Cappuccino: Perfect for hot days, this cold cappuccino mixes espresso with cold milk froth and is poured over ice.

Different places have their unique way of making cappuccinos. Over time, these changes have given us more ways to enjoy this classic coffee.

Macchiato Variations:

Macchiato, with its splash of milk on a rich espresso base, is loved by many coffee enthusiasts. Let’s break down the many ways you can enjoy this drink:

  • Espresso Macchiato: The classic. It’s mainly espresso with just a bit of steamed milk and some foam. Served in a tiny cup, it’s short but powerful.
  • Latte Macchiato: The opposite of the Espresso Macchiato. It’s mainly milk, with a splash of espresso. Typically, it’s served in a tall glass so you can see the beautiful layers.
  • Dry Macchiato: This version is bold, with less milk and more foam. You get a rich coffee taste with it.
  • Wet Macchiato: Here, you have more milk which softens the coffee kick. It’s creamier and more mellow.
  • Flavored Macchiato: For a sweet twist, flavors like caramel, vanilla, or hazelnut are added. It’s a treat for those who like their coffee with an extra touch.
  • Double Macchiato: Need a stronger kick? This one has two shots of espresso. It’s bolder and packs more caffeine.
  • Long Macchiato: This is a bigger drink. With two shots of espresso and more milk, it’s for those who want their coffee to last a bit longer.

To make a good macchiato, the key is in the espresso. So, having a machine that can pull great espresso shots is essential. No matter which macchiato you choose, you’re in for a delightful coffee experience.

Cultural Tidbits and Best Times to Drink

Morning Ritual or Afternoon Delight?

In Italy, a cappuccino is traditionally consumed in the morning, paired with a pastry or biscuit. It’s seen as a hearty breakfast drink. By contrast, a macchiato, given its robust nature, is often sipped post lunch, serving as a delightful pick-me-up.

Yet, as these drinks have gained global popularity, these cultural norms have blurred. Now, it’s not uncommon to find someone savoring a cappuccino post dinner in New York or relishing a macchiato at dawn in Tokyo.

Perfect Pairings

Cappuccino Companions:

  • Pastries: A creamy cappuccino beautifully complements the crisp layers of a croissant or the sweet fillings of a Danish.
  • Biscotti: This traditional Italian almond biscuit, with its crunchy texture, is a classic cappuccino partner.
  • Tiramisu: Enhance your cappuccino experience with a slice of this coffee-flavored Italian dessert. A match made in coffee heaven!

Macchiato Matches:

  • Dark Chocolate: The boldness of a macchiato is perfectly balanced by the bitter notes of dark chocolate.
  • Cannoli: This Sicilian sweet treat, filled with ricotta, enhances the robust flavors of a macchiato.
  • Almond Cake: The nutty undertones of an almond cake resonate well with the strong espresso shot in a macchiato.

Global Adaptations

As coffee culture spreads, regional tweaks to classic recipes emerge, making the drinks truly global.


  • Spain’s ‘Café con Leche’: Resembling a cappuccino, this beverage has equal parts of coffee and steamed milk but less foam.
  • India’s ‘Beaten Coffee’: Though not technically a cappuccino, this frothy hand-beaten coffee shares a creamy texture.


  • Australia’s ‘Long Macchiato’: This down-under twist has two shots of espresso ‘stained’ with a spot of foam.
  • Portugal’s ‘Café Pingado’: An espresso with a drop of milk, reminiscent of a traditional macchiato.

Health Benefits of Cappuccino vs Macchiato

While it’s the taste that hooks us, there are notable health benefits attached to these beverages.


Cappuccino isn’t just a delight for your taste buds; it’s also packed with health benefits. Let’s explore some of them:

  • Boosts Mental Health: One of the reasons we love our morning coffee! Cappuccino can make you feel more awake and alert. It sharpens focus and helps in better concentration.
  • Packed with Antioxidants: This drink can be good for your skin and memory. It has compounds like polyphenols and hydrocinnamic acids, which battle free radicals in our body that can lead to illnesses.
  • Aids in Weight Loss: Looking to shed some pounds? Having cappuccino without sugar or added milk might help. It’s the caffeine which acts as an appetite suppressant, and can also aid in burning fat.
  • Helps with Digestion: After a hearty meal, a cappuccino can be a good choice. It has certain minerals that promote good digestion and might even reduce the risk of gallstones.
  • Heart Health: Cappuccino has compounds that protect our heart. These prevent bad cholesterol from oxidizing and can reduce heart-related issues. Some studies even suggest it can decrease stroke risk and help maintain steady blood sugar levels.



Macchiato, a delightful mix of espresso with a hint of milk, isn’t just a treat for the palate. It offers some health benefits too. Let’s explore what this drink might do for your well-being:

  • Energizes Your Day: Like most coffee-based beverages, Macchiato has caffeine. This component can perk you up, making you feel more awake and alert. So, if you need a slight energy boost, this drink might be your pick-me-up.
  • Rich in Antioxidants: All coffee, Macchiato included, is a treasure trove of antioxidants. These are compounds that fend off harmful free radicals in the body and may be a safeguard against certain diseases.
  • Could Steady Blood Pressure: Some findings hint that Macchiato could play a role in blood pressure regulation. However, remember to watch the sugar or cream content; too much might counteract this benefit.
  • Aids in Digestion: The splash of milk in a Macchiato brings along some nutrients. These can be beneficial for digestion and might even help in preventing conditions like gallstones.


Whether you’re Team Cappuccino or Team Macchiato, it’s undeniable that these beverages, rooted in Italian tradition, have transcended borders, becoming global sensations. From the bustling streets of Rome to the high-rise buildings of New York, the comforting aroma of a freshly brewed cappuccino or the invigorating scent of a macchiato unites coffee lovers.

Next time you’re at a café or brewing a cup at home, take a moment to appreciate the rich history, culture, and craftsmanship that goes into each sip. And if you’re eager to further your coffee education, don’t forget to check out these in-depth guides on cappuccino beans and making the best espresso macchiato at home.

Cheers to the timeless joy of coffee!